The goal of the Foundation is to increase the permanent endowment to $1 million. Already earnings have enabled the Foundation to fund college scholarships and to make grants to local charities serving Lakewood’s greatest needs. The following grants have been made that directly serve Lakewood charities, children and families.

Larry Saunders Service Award Winners Presented

Plaque hanging in the Lakewood City Hall






In life, James Lawrence “Larry” Saunders distinguished himself in so many ways, devoted husband and father, decorated career soldier, visionary community leader, and our first Chief of the Lakewood Police Department, responsible for its founding organization and original staffing.

Larry was known, loved and admired for selfless interest and service to community throughout Lakewood. Tuesday evening at City Hall, one day after celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., our city came together to remember Larry Saunders, with presentation of the eighth edition of this annual service award named in his honor. Two Larry Saunders Service Awards were presented on this occasion by City of Lakewood Mayor Jason Whalen joined again by Mrs. Lawrence “Sally” Saunders.

The first award goes to Larry Woods, Jr., whose untiring leadership of the Lake City Neighborhood Association following retirement from the USAF, is legendary. Over more than 15 years, Larry Woods has volunteered his time to numerous advisory commissions for city and school district, and been a tireless and strong advocate for youth. He has worked effectively with city officials over time to assure completion of right of way improvements for community. Showing particular interest and support for public safety and our Lakewood Police, Larry further distinguished himself as a trusted civilian liaison to investigate incidents of police-involved shooting, and was instrumental in selecting our outstanding Chief of Lakewood Police, Patrick Smith. Larry Woods, by his unstinting attention to community service interests, exemplifies the conceptual foundation for the Larry Saunders Service Award.   

Larry Woods chose Communities in Schools of Lakewood to receive the associated Larry Saunders Service Award grant.

Kiwanis Club of Clover Park

The second award goes to Kiwanis Club of Clover Park. For as long as any of us can remember, Kiwanis has been a beacon service organization for Lakewood. Through visionary outreach and imagination, these can-do citizens of Lakewood have been drawn to community service embracing their mission “to improve the world one child and one community at a time.” Without fanfare over the years, our Kiwanis club has improved the world for hundreds of Clover Park children and helped distinguish Lakewood as an outreach and caring city. Kiwanis underwrites Caring for Kids, hosts charity basketball events, and supports the Lakewood Family YMCA, and Lakewood Baseball Club. They foster gardens for Springbrook Park, provide youth programs for children of Clover Park schools, and assist the Emergency Food Network all with scheduled devotion. As if adopt-a-street endeavor and concession operation at Harry Lang Stadium were not enough they recently achieved a $90K playground at Kiwanis Park. Our Kiwanis stands in the first rank of Lakewood service organizations providing essential village depth to what would otherwise be just another place in a two- dimensional world. 

Kiwanis Club of Clover Park designated Partners for Parks (the H-Barn project) to receive the associated Larry Saunders Service Award grant.

Bob Warfield






a brief historical record

The first Larry Saunders Service Award, recognizing Diane Formoso for (Caring for Kids) service to community in 2017, was presented at the first regular City Council meeting of the new year following, 1/16/2018.



City Volunteer of the Year (believed named to honor LTG Wm H. Harrison, 2004 - 2007): 

  • 2004   Diane Formoso (Caring For Kids); 4/4/2005; CC meeting.
  • 2005   Mike Kanter (organized National Night Out events); 4/17/2006 CC meeting.
  • 2006   Sandy & Jean Mazzei, (clearing signs from utility poles): 4/16/2007 CC meeting.
  • 2007   Janne Hutchins, (LASA): 7/7/2008 CC meeting.
  • 2008 - 2013   No record of award.
  • 2014    City Council began a Volunteer Recognition Breakfast for civic volunteers, together with members of all Boards, Commissions and Neighborhood Associations  (James Taylor); 12/3/2014.
  • 2015   Lakewood Volunteer Recognition Breakfast (Phil Raschke); 12/8/2015.
  • 2016   Lakewood Volunteer Recognition Breakfast (Vol/Yr Unknown); 4/17/2017 (?).


Larry Saunders Service Award

  • 2017   Diane Formoso (Caring For Kids) - Larry Saunders Service Award; first presentation 1/16/2018; Grant to Caring For Kids.
  • 2018   Rotary Club of Lakewood - Larry Saunders Service Award; second presentation  1/15/2019; Grant to Springbrook Connections.
  • 2019   J. Alan Billingsley, Clover Park Rotary; Larry Saunders Service Award; third presentation 1/21/2020; Grant to (rehab project) South Puget Sound Wildlife Area.
  • 2020   The Selden Family, Lakewood Rotary; Larry Saunders Service Award; fourth presentation 1/19/2021, Grant to West Pierce CARES.
  • 2021   Doubled Larry Saunders Service Award; fifth presentation 1/18/2022, first award: First Mayor LTG Wm H. Harrison, Grant to Communities in Schools; and second award, and Grant to Partners for Parks.
  • 2022    McFadden Brothers; Larry Saunders Service Award; sixth presentation 1/17/2023, Grant to Oakbrook Swim & Tennis Club.
  • 2023    Eleanor “Ellie” Wilson, Larry Saunders Service Award; seventh presentation 1/16/2024; grant to Communities In Schools of Lakewood.    
  • 2024    Larry Wilson, Jr., grant to Communities in Schools, and The Kiwanis Club of Clover Park, grant to Partners for Parks (H-Barn Project), eighth presentations on 1/25/2025



2024 3rd Quarter Financials


Beginning Assets, End of 2nd Quarter: $1,399,928.85
3rd Quarter Contributions:

$   327.25

Earnings $  77,339.80


Investment Fees $ (646.49)
Banking Fees $    (3.15)
GTCF Fees: $  (3,164.30)
Expenses $    0
Ending Assets, thru 3rd Quarter, 2024:



Applications for Larry Saunders Community Service Award Now Accepted

Applications for the Larry Saunders Community Service Award are now open, closing Friday, September 20, 2024. Past recipients:

2017  Diane Formoso

2018  Rotary Club of Lakewood

2019  J. Alan Billingsley

2020  The Selden Family

2021  LTG William H Harrison, and Partners for Parks

2022  McFadden Brothers

2023  Ellie Wilson

Recipients direct $1000 from the LCFF to the 501c3 of their choice.

Click below for application form download

Please click here   Deadline: September 20, 2024

2024 Grants Awarded


The Lakewood Community Foundation Fund (LCFF) recently announced their grants for 2024. The LCFF is an endowed fund of the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation and was allotted $39,600 for grant distribution for the year.  All grants are stipulated to benefit the Lakewood community.

Clover Park Rotary                                          $4000             

Partners for Parks                                           $5000             

Springbrook Connections                               $2000             

Tillcum-Woodbrook Community Center        $2000             

CPTC Foundation                                            $4000             

Raising Girls                                                    $1000

Greater Lakes Mental Health                         $4000

Kid Connect                                                    $1000             

Nourish                                                           $5000

Communities in Schools                                 $4000

YMCA                                                              $1200

Lakewood Playhouse                                      $3000

Network Tacoma                                            $1000             

Lakewood Baseball                                         $ 400

Lakewood Historical Society                           $2000