The goal of the Foundation is to increase the permanent endowment to $1 million. Already earnings have enabled the Foundation to fund college scholarships and to make grants to local charities serving Lakewood’s greatest needs. The following grants have been made that directly serve Lakewood charities, children and families.

Fourth Quarter Financials for 2017 Posted

Beginning Assets, End of 3rd Quarter: $ 907,199.92
4th Quarter Contributions: $ 17,390.00
Interest: $ 7,137.54
Realized Gains: $ 8,315.87
Unrealized Gains: $ 19,563.95
Fees: ($ 384.95)
GTCF Fees: ($ 2,143.62)
Bank Fees, other fees: ($ 186.18)
Ending Assets, thru 1st Quarter, 2018: $ 956,902.54

Grant Applications for 2018 Now Being Accepted: Deadline April 6

Grant applications now being accepted. Please go to FAQ for access to the form. Addresses for submission are at the bottom of the page.




Financial Information for the Third Quarter 2017

Current assets of all funds:

3rd quarter expenses and fees: 

3rd quarter interest and dividends:

Realized gains:

Unrealized gains:


Grants approved for 2017

5 grants were approved for this year, for the largest amount ever gifted to date: $28,840.

Grants were awarded to:

  • City of Lakewood for the Pavillion in the Park
  • Caring for Kids
  • Communities in Schools
  • Lakewood First Lions
  • LASA
  • Nourish Pierce County (FISH Food Bank)


Dave Betz Receives Award

At the Lakewood City Council meeting of November 7, 2016, Dave Betz was presented a plaque honoring his time and commitment to the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund. Dave has served on the board for well over 10 years, and served as president of the board for the bulk of that time. His enthusiasm and drive to grow the LCFF have been instrumental in the dramatic increases to the fund's size. The value of the LCFF has doubled during his tenure. As a result of this success, the LCFF has been able to expand grants considerably, reaching $14,000 in the most recent year, with the total value of the fund rising to over $800,000.

During the building of the Fund's website (, Dave promoted the phrase "barbell community" to describe Lakewood. On one end of the barbell are the poor of our community. On the other are the lakefront owners and the wealthy of Lakewood. It is the goal of the LCFF to help the poor move up the scale.

Dave has also been known to say that "the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund is the best kept secret in Lakewood." Dave has spent more than 10 years trying to change that, one donation at a time.

Thanks, Dave!
